Thursday, January 28, 2010

Me, Myself and my Cameras

Well, recently i have been tempted by many offers to upgrade my camera set from D70s to a D200/D300 fully equipped with underwater casings etc. To all my friends who offered me such good deals, thank you but sorry i can't.

I have been thinking long and hard about this and in the end i decided to stick to my original gear until such time when i can produce as good pictures as i once did before 'i lost myself'.

My trusty D70s was used last time to create my greatest shots so although technology has come so far and it obsolete now, i will not forsake it. In fact i have already upgraded from my legendary 90mm Tamron to the powerful 105mm nikkor so my pics should even be better right?

For my UW shots, my old canon S1 IS casing has really died. It's lens coating has worn out and there is nothing i can do to salvage it. Was thinking of upgrading to G11 etc as i couldn't find the casing for my existing G9. In the end, i went to canon directly and LUCKY! they had 2 casings left. Bought it for about $300 and i have effectively replaced my setup. The only thing next i may get is a strobe for it.

WP DC 21 G9 UW Canon Housing

Saved a lot of money, feel better about it. Now to stop teching and geeking and start shooting!

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