Monday, January 25, 2010

My Favorite iPhone Apps

I've been using the iPhone from the day it came out. So far, i've used the 2G, 3G and 3GS. I've cracked, jailbrokened, destroyed lots of iPhones as well.

More importantly, I try my best to get the most out of my iPhone in my daily life.

So its not strange that people keep asking me what my fav apps are. Well, here they are (in no particular order):

  • Facebook
    Has a cool function where you can sync all your contact's profile pics into your contact list. Also supports push notifications etc. Of course all the normal FB things can be done.

  • Geocaching
    If you don't know what this is, please go to It is one of the best apps to use if you have this hobby. Note that you have to pay about $10 USD for it.

  • AppBox Pro
    Actually its kinda cheating to call this an app coz it actually is like a compilation of apps. It's not free $0.99 USD but it is seriously worth it.

  • Ta-da List
    Technically this is not an app but rather it is a website that manages to-do lists. I've tried many and this one is really the best. Go to

  • Wikitude
    The new 'in' thing. Augmented reality. Still in it's early development phase but still, really interesting.

  • iGV (SG)
    They didn't have this function before but now you can book movies online and even choose your seats.

  • Park-a-Lot Lite (SG)
    Get detailed information on carparks near you. Frequently updated thats why it's better than the rest.

  • eBuddy
    Best MSN client for iPhone that i know. Only downside is that you need to register an eBuddy account.

  • Emoji
    Cute little icons for SMS-ing etc. Really cool, but only to other iPhone users which would make up 99% of people here...There are many versions, just get the one that is the most popular and it should be right. You'll need to read the instructions carefully for it to work.

  • Backgrounds
    Lets you browse what other iPhone users' wallpapers are. Allows you to save them as pictures and of coz, set as your wallpaper.

  • Hungry Go Where (SG)
    Easy interface to this great site for local food reviews.

  • Bejewelled 2
    You probably already know this fantastic game. If not, just get it.

  • Crazy Facts
    Just interesting fact after interesting fact. Didn't think much of it when i first got it, but the facts are really cool!

  • Transguide
    Locates the nearest bus stop around you and not only tells you where the buses go but also exactly when they are coming! We tested this several times and it is almost accurate to the SECOND! Wonder how they do it...very useful for people who don't take buses often (me).

  • Foxmarks
    I use this on my firefox. While technically not an app per se, this workaround method allows me to 'sync' my firefox bookmarks with my iPhone. COOL!

  • These are personal to me and i'm weird so...
  • These are apps that i USE and not just leave it hang around
  • I live in Singapore and some apps are country specific, denoted by (SG)

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