Monday, January 25, 2010

New Things Bought

Just to log them down for the time being, here are my latest buys:

  • Logitech G15 Keyboard:
    Really x 10 good! Make sure you get the NEW one though (Orange lights rather than blue)

  • Logitech Momo Steering Wheel
    While you can play both on the PS3 and PC, sadly I don't use it much. For it's price I think it is really worth it. But note that it is ENTRY LEVEL

  • Sax Stand
    Finally found this at Swee Lee in Bras Basah. Was looking everywhere for it...foldable and all. Cool!

  • Black Rapid Camera Strap RS-5
    Kept dancing around this one and in the end decided to fork out the $120 for it. So far it really does what its supposed to. Haven't really field tested it yet though, can't wait :) Check out their website here and watch the video. Yes, my iPhone can fit inside :)

  • Gigaworks T3 Speakers
    Read tons of reviews saying this is an awesome 2.1 speaker. It serious IS.

  • Bowling Guard
    Final when to buy a bowling guard. Looks very RAD etc. However, it is sad that my skill level is way too low to be able to utlize it properly :( Went for coaching a few weeks but presently have given up :/

  • Air Cleaner - Toshiba CAF D4
    Finally bought one for my master bedroom. Air SEEMS a little bit cleaner though i honestly can't tell the difference that much. Don't wake up much with a stuffy nose though. Very quiet and was much much cheaper than those Sharp Plasma Cutters

  • 2 New Kites
    Bat and Ladybug kites. BAD news is that was so busy during the best time to play them (Nov-Dec). Hai~~~

  • Sony TX1
    Quick review for this cam: Awesome for women, very chic (get BLACK/GREY only!), SUPER low light shooting, sweep panoramic is just fantastic, touch screen interface is just great.

  • Uniqlo Winter Jacket
    Was love at first sight. All black and looked really warm. Only $100+ which is for those type of jackets. On hindsight, it is VERY heavy and not very warm! Though 100% premium down etc. Will update once i get to test it in 5 degrees or something.

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