Friday, July 25, 2008

My New Toy: PS3

Yes I have finally bought it! It is really awesome and fantastic and I'm just wondering why I waited so long to get it.

One point to note is that you HAVE to get a HDMI cable (assuming you have a HD TV la) coz the system didn't come with it. Those things range from $20 - $500 (no kidding!) so choose wisely. I can't really enjoy the FULL FULL HD experience coz I'm only on like HD Ready and not TRUE HD but its already like 100 times better. I guess I won't be able to really tell the difference so nevermind la!

Still waiting for my blu-ray discs to come from Amazon so till then, can only see the HD power through the games.

The 2 games you MUST get are:

- Metal Gear Solid 4: The most fantastic game I've played in a long long time. The graphics are jaw dropping (of course you need HD)

- Grand Theft Auto 4: Pretty much the same thing as the previous 3 but just better done. Still a must have.

- Wish List: Ratchet and Clank, Final Fantasy 13 <-- WOO!

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