Friday, July 25, 2008

Much Ado About Taste

Recently I have been wondering a lot on whether there is a logical basis for why people like/dislike certain things. Like, is there are certain flavour that ALL humans like? A certain colour? Melody? etc. Can it be that we are hardwired somehow internally to like/dislike certain things? I mean, in nature, RED is used as a warning sign etc. and certain smells are automatically terrible for all species.

Is 'Best' just a vote and the majority wins? Thanks to everyone who have shared their experiences with me.

In the end, I'll go with this one:

My good professor friend (who specializes in culture) has shared her thoughts with me. She believes its a vote and the majority wins HOWEVER, there are very established patterns that are hard to dispute and are formed along cultural lines; cultural determinism.

So there...

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