Sunday, May 31, 2009

New Toy: Uni

Got a new addition to our family, we call her 'Uni'.

After long months of research into netbooks, i finally went to get one. Her technical name is Asus 1008HA "Seashell". Won't bore you with technical geeky details but basically shes the prettiest though not the most powerful and feature packed of the netbook lineups.

Now she follows me to work everyday, fitting snugly in my briefcase. Already having a notebook at home, some may wonder why i need another netbook for? Simple, its even MORE convenient...shes so small that she can sit on my stomach (which isn't very small) when im on the bed and i can watch my shows etc.

Already got to show her off to some clients heh.

Heres a vid if u care:

She's really awesome!

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