Sunday, May 31, 2009

The Dangers of GPS

If you read my previous posts, you'll already know that i've bought a GPS some time ago. While using the GPS is really great and useful as expect, it was really more dangerous than i expected it to be.

Within 3 months of having the GPS, i've gotten into 2 car accidents! This is really strange as i've been driving for 13 years with NO accidents (with the exception of 1 person banging me). As i have always been proud of my driving, it really made me reflective.

After thinking long and hard about this i realized that while the GPS does not distract you during critical moments while you are driving, it completely ruins your 'sense surround' of the road situation. This sets up the accident rather than being the immediate cause of it. For instance, even when completely stopped at a traffic light, you refer to your GPS, you are NOT paying attention to a bike, car, pedestrian that could be doing weird stuff around you. Later when you move off, you are almost completely oblivious...

Anyway now i have removed the GPS from my windscreen and put it on handbrake area instead. Now on, will only use it with SOUND mode or assistance from someone.

This probably is related to using mobile phones while driving i'll be doubly cautious of that.

Take heed people!!!

1 comment:

I_love_mummy! said...

Yes you better be careful even if it's not on your windscreen, audio mode may be distracting too.