Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Initial D - The Movie

ok first of all im a bit biased to this show coz im a JAY fan! however im even a bigger anime fan so i would say straight off that that movie kinda sux (if you watched the anime). ive watched the anime (all 4 seasons) so i can't really give an objective review. I heard from friends who have not watched it that they liked the movie a lot so i guess its good if u din watch the anime la.

Character development is pretty good for that short span of time, jay is not really exp in acting but i tink he managed to pull off the Takumi character pretty well (in his own way of coz). The love story in the show was WAY underdeveloped and the female lead (some hot jap girl - not hot in my own opinion) wasn't developed properly too. In fact i feel ALL the characters weren't developed. This is my anime thing speaking.

So basically the show is abt fast cars and cool guys doing dangerous stuff and taking everything too seriously. Something worse than the classic 'Young and Dangerous' series (which i wanna watch again) but not as bad as those 'Fast and Furious' and 'Transporter' stuff.

So unless you really like racing, just curious abt anime-real life conversion or are a jay chou fan, then i tink u should give the movie a miss and watch the anime instead.

With all that said, the anime really ROCKS so go get the anime, its really easy to find and of coz u can always ask me.

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