Wednesday, April 26, 2006

I HATE Jellyfish!

Ok, Sarah and I just came back from a trip to Cebu Phillippines which we went to do some diving. Since the diving wasn't as great as the place we went before (the Maldives - duh), we decided to take our Advance Diving cert too. Everything was going well till at the very last dive, i got viciously attacked by a jellyfish!

It felt like this wet piece of paper sticking to your face suddenly from nowhere and then suddenly there was this giant burst of pain and i almost buckled from the force. I still continued with the dive (as i really didn't want to screw up my adv test) and beared with the pain. Luckily it soon subsided. The next day, my face was covered with welts and rash (too gross to show here though i have a pic). Luckily it was the same day we were going back home.

So basically went home and immediately went to the doctors to get some medicine, he prescribed the following which works really well, chlorphenimine (anti-histamine) for itch, Dexamthasone for the swelling. After drinking lots of water and taking lots of rest at the same time, im ok now (my handsome face still intact :D)

Now gettting jellyfish stings and sea lice (baby jellyfish) bites are common in diving. However, i really HATE it so i started researching how to prevent this in the future. Here is what i dug up, this would not only be useful for divers but for anyone who has any form of contact with the sea. Wakeboarders or even casual beach goers. For some reason i am VERY susceptible to these stings and always get it.

Safe Sea ( the ONLY anti-jellyfish lotion available in the world, there is a local distributor who i am buying it from. Has SPF30 sunblock and costs $22 SGD. Haven't tried it personally yet but my friend Eric who bought it with me did and he says it really works great! Check out their site, has lots of useful info on jellyfish too.

Some other sites that give info on sea lice:

All that said, i still love diving and can't wait to do it again: here are some pics of us UW

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