Monday, July 06, 2015

Candy Crush Tips

Just hit level 1160 and there are no more levels to play :D

Sharing what I've learnt so far:
  • Try to remove orphan candy, leaving behind similar candy in closer proximity
  • Think through every move as much as you can, patience is key
  • If the move doesn't benefit, then just do something else
  • Every level has a strategy, keep playing it till you find out the priority in which to do first, the rest is luck
  • Only use powerups once u understand the level, this is like failing at it for at least 10 times
  • Time is more important, don't be a purist, use money to save time or powerups
  • Different powerups and candy combinations work better in different situations, there is no BEST combi or power up. Sometimes even NOT combining a candy gives the better result

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