Monday, October 15, 2007


This was a terrible long weekend for me...our office declared Fri off for the holidays and i was looking forward to having a nice relaxing weekend. This was not to be so...i was already ill (flu) all of the week and was getting better...happily. But little did i know after my 'recovery', i was to be attacked by another illness!

Sinusitis attacks commonly after a cold or flu bout...reason being excess mucous from the infection cannot be drained adequately by the sinuses esp when it is aggravated by stress...i WAS very stress during that week. The slow nagging pain on my upper lip soon developed into a full blown felt as if your whole head is imploding...

luckily i rushed to the doctor and got some relief...before that i was standing under the shower nearly drowning myself forcing water through my nose just to ease the is really terrible.

I'm actually out of medicine now...having taken the last dose just 5mins ago. i have an impt meeting later...i hope i can last that long...already preparing some panadols in case.

SUPER good site on it here.

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