Monday, October 15, 2007

My iPhone

If you read the previous post, i spent the entire weekend at home...i found out in a forum that they had finally cracked the new firmware for the iPhone..excited, i started cut a LONG story short..i solved it after 6 hours. YES my iPhone is perfectly working now :D The only problem remains, which phone do i use? my trusty super functional Dopod 838pro or my pretty awesome to use, though less functional iPhone.

Must admit, at first i tot the iPhone was just a showy toy that was quite was not until i really played around with it that i realized that Apple had really come up with seriously innovative stuff! Even the SMS-ing function is different where SMSes will be sorted via person like a conversation...instead of viewing SMSes by date/time, u see them by person first then date/time..simple? yes...and highly effective.

Also another cool thing is Navicon...this online service that integrates seamlessly with the iPhone and google maps to use wifi stations with GPS and TRIANGULATE your position anywhere in the world! They were like...'click here to find your location' and i was like..YA RIGHT...but when i did...i found myself staring at my home area...i was seriously stunned...

And of course the iPhone has all the usual WOW things like awesome graphics, the acceleratron (u move it and shake it and it responds - screen flips etc.), the multi-touch LCD, its incredibly small form factor...its seriously beautiful. But it cant do things like 3G, MMS or even video...but windows with all its functionality just somehow doesn't FEEL so its really a case of an inferior software...although having all the hardware behind.

To sum it up, Apple has finesse and Windows has power (and is cheaper and more widely used). Somehow this draws me to Apple..hai~

For now i've decided to use BOTH phones until i can sort this out.

It is my first 30th bday present...yes thats how old i am..hai~ THANK YOU to Abigail and my parents-in-law who bought this fantastic phone for me, i wouldn't have known how good it was otherwise.

This was a terrible long weekend for me...our office declared Fri off for the holidays and i was looking forward to having a nice relaxing weekend. This was not to be so...i was already ill (flu) all of the week and was getting better...happily. But little did i know after my 'recovery', i was to be attacked by another illness!

Sinusitis attacks commonly after a cold or flu bout...reason being excess mucous from the infection cannot be drained adequately by the sinuses esp when it is aggravated by stress...i WAS very stress during that week. The slow nagging pain on my upper lip soon developed into a full blown felt as if your whole head is imploding...

luckily i rushed to the doctor and got some relief...before that i was standing under the shower nearly drowning myself forcing water through my nose just to ease the is really terrible.

I'm actually out of medicine now...having taken the last dose just 5mins ago. i have an impt meeting later...i hope i can last that long...already preparing some panadols in case.

SUPER good site on it here.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

The 3 Needs

Ever since studying HR in NUS about 7 years ago, i have been hooked on a theory (Henry Murray). It actually states that most human motivation can be defined according to 3 main needs. These are namely:
  1. The need for Achievement (nAch): the need to accomplish tasks and do things
  2. The need for Affiliation (nAff): the need to interact and be part of a group
  3. The need for Power (nPow): the need to influence or impact people and to be in control
Together with other traits of introversion and extroversion, these desires would then display themselves in various forms.

In my shortsightedness or desire to simplify things, i failed to realize that there are actually exists much more than just those three. I started to think about it and then coined a new motivation...i'll call it nRlx, or rather, the need to RELAX.

I felt i did not have enough of that so basically i was a stressed up wreck the most of the time. Anyway, afterawhile, i thought that hey, what about the OPPOSITE of each motivation...i mean won't that be something as well? So here come the opposites:
  1. Need for Achievement: Need for Relaxation
  2. Need for Affiliation: Need for Solitude
  3. Need for Power: Need for Letting Go
So basically i thought i had it all and i was brilliant etc. thats when i went to google to research this a bit more and, there are actually 27 needs that Henry Murray came up with. Without going into any more detail as i am pondering on it myself, here they are:


To surrender and accept punishment


To overcome obstacles and succeed


To obtain possessions


To make associations and friendships


To injure others


To resist others and stand strong


To avoid blame and obey the rules


To build or create


To be unique


To defend honor


To justify actions


To follow a superior, to serve


To control and lead others


To attract attention


To provide information, educate


To avoid pain


To avoid failure, shame, or to conceal a weakness


To protect the helpless


To arrange, organize, and be precise


To relieve tension, have fun, or relax


To gain approval and social status


To exclude another


To enjoy sensuous impressions


To form and enjoy an erotic relationship


To empathize


To seek protection or sympathy


To analyze and experience, to seek knowledge

I can see how my 'opposites' fit into this...will try to dwell on it..more later :)