Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Limits of My Patience

Naruto has finally launched its Shippuuden series after what was about 100 episodes of crap. For the uninitiated, Naruto is actually a anime series which i follow quite closely. Basically it started off well but degraded for the past 100 eps or so. I was just watching it coz it was so good at the start and well maybe i just couldnt let go.

Then after they released the latest series...it was simply fantastic! It was like their true colors once again in all its glory.

This made me wonder how come they din just show the good stuff and kept feeding us crap. Then it dawned on me that they could have been doing it on purpose. I mean, the IDEAL anime from a biz perspective is to earn the most amount of money right? so if they had 100 more crap eps of 'earnings' at the risk of losing their fan base. But if the cards were played well, the release of their latest series would not only revitalize the fan base but also encourage ppl to watch the all 220 of their prev eps.

This kinda links to the Transformer movie...where it completely disappointed fans HOWEVER according to the director, it was intentionally targeted at a different market - the people who have no idea wat transformers is. Basically the fans will watch the show and buy the stuff no matter what...so their demand is inelastic (won't change) so u should just focus on the rest ya?

Its quite sad coz does really everything revolve around money? is everyone selling out? and those who don't...will they ever be rewarded?

Sounds like a good plan ya? I mean those fantastic 1 eps anime (Hoshi No Koe) or brilliant short anime series like Cowboy Bebop, Evangelion and Trigun were at most 24 eps. So they probably din earn too much.

Well im glad i stuck wif them coz aft all the shit the put me through, its like finding a diamond.

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