Sunday, August 24, 2014

Some Stuff I Learned Today

Interesting things today:

  • What Westboro Baptist Church is
  • Colgate Total can be cancer causing
  • Duck and Tuna may not necessarily be RED meat
  • Supposition vs Assumption vs Imagination

Monday, May 26, 2014

Goodbye Android!

After 6 months of using my Sony Xperia Z1, I finally decided to go back to Apple. The phone just didn't do the basic stuff right (taking pics, usability, even making calls...i could go on...). The only thing im really gonna miss is the waterproof feature.

Well, anyway, here is what my new phone (iPhone 5C Yellow) looks like:

It's just a stand in till iPhone 6 comes out. Also, it completes my iPhone collection, so now, I have all models.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

New Games

Been really spending too much time on these games, but they really rock!

Diablo 3 Expansion Reaper of Souls
This what D3 was meant to be, they fixed lots of things and made the replayability awesome! I'm currently playing a Crusader.

Not really as endearing as Battlefield 4 but extremely fun and well made. Gameplay really reminds me of Call of Duty.

New Watchlist

Kill la Kill
Very nice anime, 10/10. My buddy also likes it, which is weird, she never watches anime. Really unique and distinct, a classic for sure. Tempted to buy their cosplay stuff here.

Person of Interest
Not really THAT good but watchable and interesting.

Nobunaga the Fool
7/10 the most, just watching to finish it up

Ping Pong the Animation
Very interesting art style and anime. Though its a sports one, really can't get enough of the style.

New Hobby: Online Shopping

Been suddenly buying lots of stuff online, here are my usual haunts:

Nice for gadgets. I always check out the new arrivals. Free shipping!

Yes people have already been coming here for a long time, i'm slow k. Check out the daily deals.

Has some really nice stuff. I use email to get notified what's new. Very limited things though.

Stuff from Japan. Haven't really bought anything from here yet, will soon.

New Toys: Misc

Yoyos and Kendama

Yoyos have come a long way since I was a little boy.Was interesting for say...a week, then I got pretty tired of them...

Razor Deathadder 2013

Said I would never buy another razor product but just thought i'd try this sweet mouse. So far, its been working out great

Soundblaster ZXR

I love the control module, less so the sound, compared to my SB HD Titanium, can't really tell the difference.

Orobotix Sphero 2.0

My kids really love this toy. To buy it in SG, you can go to either Expansys or Apple.

Samsung Digital Door Lock P718

Really nice and good, makes my life much more convenient. Installed from these guys, who are quite responsive and friendly. 

Yummy Snacks

Meiji White Milk Full Cream with The Natural Unbearables or Wine Gums