Sunday, January 01, 2012

Monopoly Deal or No Deal: Advanced Rules

I really like this game and thought I'd share some of the advanced rules. It is NOT stated anywhere in the manual and has to be researched online through various sources (which I share below).

  • Wildcard properties can't be used to settle debts, so you can keep them even if you are bankrupt! The only way to take them are through FD, SD and DB.
  • Using double the rent takes a turn although it is played together with the rent card. You can also use x2 double the rent cards to quadruple your rent. This takes up all 3 of your turns. Note that just ONE 'Just Say No' card is required to block this completely.
  • Houses and hotels are seized along with property if DB is used.
  • You need a just one house to build a hotel and the value does not stack with houses, only max +4m.
  • Houses/Hotels go to the bank before being used to pay another player. Thus the other player can only use it as bank.*
  • Houses/Hotels can be transferred to other sets within your own hand, but can never 'float' around.*
  • You can't use 'Just Say No' for other people.
  • If you force a deal and both people win, the person who forced the deal will win as it is his/her turn and you can only win on your turn.

*As of this date, there has been no official confirmation with regards to the these rules. Hasbro has officially stated that "They will look into this". However this is widely regarded as the 'right way'.

Please feel free to comment and add more insight or to ask me anything :)

Useful Reference Links:
Board Game Geeks
Official Hasbro FAQ


Anonymous said...

what about a rule on how to set up your property cards when you lay them on the table? can you leave all them seperate so no one can deal break your full sets? or do you have to put "like" colors together if you have 2 or more? and how would that work for property wild cards?

Daniel said...

I think you can argue this over probability lines. The number of Force/Sly deals cards are much more than the Deal Breaker ones. Whilst splitting property renders Deal Breaker obsolete, it also makes you vulnerable to Sly/Force Deals. In the end, it literally is probably much worse.

Read up on the forums and this discussion is going on. Some resort to house rules and others think its just a probability thing as well.

Wild cards cannot be considered as sets on their own unless paired with a normal card. This is in the official Hasbro FAQ.

Anonymous said...


if you bank a house and a hotel. Can it be use on property?

Anonymous said...

if you place in action card such as a rent card or a deal breaker into your bank, on your next turn can you then use it to perform the action or does it now serve only as money?

Unknown said...

If you steal a property and your opponent doesn't play their JSN card at that time, then you lay a matching property down to make a complete set, and then your third card is to charge rent - can your opponent then decide to use his JSN card to take his property card back, or is the JSN card only good to get out of paying the rent at this point?

Daniel said...

@Laurel Definitely JSN at that point is only used to avoid paying the rent. It would be the the last action taken against him.

Anonymous said...

If I have a full property set laid out and a house on it, can I move that house to another full property set I have laid out (not in my hand) or is this the "no floating around" rule preventing me from doing that.