Thursday, July 14, 2011


After being inspired by my dentist, i explored running more. Several of my friends have already embraced this activity and it seems like it is gaining in such popularity with my entire country as seen with the number of races that are so commonplace now.

Being overweight, it is scary to think of running as it could badly damaged my already painful knees. However i think with some moderation and care, it should be ok.

Some things that appeal to me:
  • its easy and fuss free, can do it anytime and anywhere
  • cool tech, kinda gets u into other health matters like BP, heart rate etc
  • lots of my friends are doing it
  • good to get out and into the open
As this is the start of this long journey, i also take stock of what i know so far:
  • I have to becareful of my body as i am overweight and at risk
  • there are techniques to be learnt for proper running (chi running)
  • I shouldn't buy anymore gear till i earn the gear i already own (brand new nike shoes, running transmitter, polar watch)
Next thing i'll have to do is:
  • Establish some kind of running timetable that fits into my lifestyle, requires cooperation with family as well
  • Establish a KPI not for the gains but the discipline required to even do it
  • Read up more on running techniques, currently looking into 'Chi Running'
  • Actually do it
So here goes!!

I'll end with this good video on Chi Running

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