Sunday, September 13, 2009

Manado - Day 2

Ok the day of intensive diving. Din really get much sleep the night before as mentioned earlier. 1st dive started out a bit shaky with me and Sarah both having problems equalizing our ears. Eventually was able to go down but was hurting. The dive masters were taking good care of us esp. Sarah so it was good. We had our own dedicated divemaster with us. 2nd dive had relatively less problems going down but it was still a bit wierd. I kept getting headaches coming up coz of lack of water and breath holding la etc. Saw a huge sleeping turtle which was nice. Always got up having a bad headache and having to sleep it off. On the 3rd dive, i was not actually feeling good with headache etc. but still decided to go down to settle things. Was quite bad, felt bad underwater and when i got up headache was really splitting. Slept all the way back to back on land and went to sleep. Woke up for dinner feeling a bit better...spent the night playing pool etc.

This is just a quick update, will edit it more later.

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