Monday, June 15, 2009

Homeplugs not for me

Recently bought a pair of homeplugs for my dad as well as to try the technology.

This is the Aztech 105e 85mbps one.

In my home I'm gettng an average of 70-85mbps on my 100mbps plan (depending on time) from my router (either direct connection or wireless N). When i tried the homeplug in my living room, the results were only 8mbps! Pretty much similar throughout all rooms in my house except in the kitchen where it dropped to 5mbps.

When i plugged the other homeplug in the same powerbrick as the first one (literally side by side), the speed jumped to about 20mbps (still quite sad...). Probably need to tweak the connections by directly connecting to the wall instead of using powerbricks. Explains why the newer models offer the AC through function where you can plug something on it. Not sure how much that would change the connection but am not confident it will make that much a jump anyway so im sticking with what i have - an ugly wire running from my room to my living room.

On the good side, it was really really easy to install, just plug one into the router and the other to a PC and you're done.

Hope i'll get a chance to try the 200mbps versions with more direct connections and see what happens.

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