Sunday, June 22, 2008

Hobby Update

Just bought a Canon G9 pns for casual shooting and potential UW shoots. Bought it 2nd hand from Clubsnap at a really good deal! The camera is really very good. It will serve as my backup camera on normal shoots or my lazy camera which I'll try to bring around more.

Was featured on Deviant Art for one of my old pictures! Was really awesome as I got like 3.4k of views on the day.

Chinese Chess
Started playing this online and omg I really suck big time...did see SOME improvement after 1 week of practicing...while continue to train at it!

Aquatic Hobby
Wonder why my CRS keep dying inside my special tank. Have this feeling its due to underfeeding as the moss is not growing well and it happens esp. when i don't put excessive food. Don't really like the oyama setup i did for my lobster side.

Been playing PSP FF7 Crisis Core quite a bit. Seems weird that now my PSP has taken first place over my DS and even PC. Had just finished Mass Effect on the PC and well, its OK la...but prefer Kotor. Waiting for FF8 to come out on PS3 and thats when i'll probably get it.

Eric and the gang are going to Anilao next month but due to time contraints I really don't think I can join them. Am thinking of joining them on their Tioman trip later at the end of the month though. Current plan is for me to slowly build up experience diving and in spotting/photography assistant before getting my own setup. Was going to buy a regulator set but was advised against the idea so I'll just rent one if I need la.

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