Sunday, November 11, 2007

Happy 30th Bday to Me

Just wanted to share the biggest lesson I have learnt perhaps in all 30 years of my life. It is also the latest lesson.

Do not be afraid of change...I have always been a sentimental person...i love to horde stuff, old wrappers, cards, boxes etc. Its becoz i find it hard to let go of the good memories serve as some sort of benchmark in my life...i have always believed that the best time of my life has already youth was sheltered, carefree, fun, no worries etc. Now i worry about everything, there is a lot of stress everywhere, problems...things can be nice too but its just not the more 3 mth holidays with no commitments...sigh.

I keep thinking that the best days are all gone...

but ive learnt to look to create new memories in the future...better ones...things will never be the same...people will never always be there...but new people will come, new experiences and new meaning..yes the old was good...but its time for it to go...nothing lasts trying desperately to cling on, we not only inevitably lose it...but also we fail to bring in any new good things.

i will learn to make my future good..i will stop saying i was etc etc when i was young and instead, make it happen now. i will create more memories to cherish...better ones or at least just as good. i will still cherish the old things, but i will not clog my heart with futile hopes.

30 is the beginning of a new chapter, its time to close the old one. im not quite feeling it now...its still very very hard to accept, but i really hope i can do it.

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