Thursday, June 21, 2007

Some Rant

u know the thing abt life is that the most simplest obvious answers are usually the right ones...but 99% of the time we don't take them.

i tink its a fallacy of being human...contrary to wat we think, we are NOT logical beings
we are emotional beings. we invent our own logical matrices with convenient justifications for our ridiculous fancies based on our emotions. Thus some would argue we are still logical. Won't go into the whole idea of rationality as that requires an entire year in sociology :P Hope the point gets across though.

That being said, i don't think its all that bad. coz a purely stoic and logical life really sux :D


Liv said...

So does your life suck?

allie said...

Logic and emotions cannot co-exist together at the same time. We try, but it almost never works out the way we want. We always try to explain our emotions in a logical manner, but the more we try, the more f*cked up we get. Just speaking from experience.

Hope you're doing well.