I have tried this method and it worked for me (both times)! Thought i was the only one who knew about it but apparently its common knowledge already, just the all the gynecologists don't want to discuss it. They say "don't play God" etc.
Principles aside, here is what extracted from the book "How to Choose the Sex of Your Baby by Landrum B. Shettles". You can get her book here.
The male Y-sperm are said to:
- Swim faster
- Die faster
- Are smaller (don't see how this matters)
The female X-sperm are said to:
- Swims slow (like female drivers)
- More hardy, can survive better inside the woman
- Are bigger (erm yeah, so?)
Do it Doggie style
Deeper penetration inserts the male sperm closer to the egg, this allows the male sperm to reach the egg in a shorter amount of time. Their exposure to the 'harmful environment is reduced.
Females should achieve Orgasm
Females orgasm makes environment more friendly due to the increase in cervical fluid (alkaline). This gives the faster male sperm higher endurance.
Have sex on the day you Ovulate
Actually, it should be just AFTER you Ovulate, like the minute you do. Its quite straightforward, the male sperm will get there faster and win.
Guys drink coffee
Consuming caffeine half an hour before sex would give the male sperm a boost.Hmm never heard of this before, shrugs.
Do it missionary style
The shallow penetration of this position causes the sperm to be deposited further from the egg. So the female sperm will have the advantage as they are more resistant to the environment.
Females should avoid Orgasm
This makes the environment more inhospitable for the male sperm. Horrible way to fight...
Have sex 2 to 4 days before ovulation
Make everyone wait (just like girls do...) so eventually the male sperm will just die once the egg descends. Also, to make things worse, just before ovulation, the environment gets worse.
Here you go, good luck!
The more i read this, the more i see how certain behaviors are already infused at this early stage for women...