Friday, September 14, 2007

Some Rant

"In tiredness and weakness we must embrace, the strength and courage to win the race..." - DT

Think of this scene:

u are in a pool of shit...there is this cool breeze blowing, u pop ur head up to breathe...the wind blows away the get a good nice long breath...ahh

then u dream...u dream of getting out...of nicer days....freedom...but in order to do so u'll have to dive into the shit headfirst and pull the plug.

u have to do a lot of running b4 u take off...
One of my favorite quirp ever is, "Why do you strap a jet engine on a motorbike?" the answer? BECAUSE WE CAN! :D

I tink sometimes we all take life too seriously that we don't enjoy it...when was the last time u did something completely random and senseless but had great fun doing it? Comment if u have :)

Kinda reminds be of this weeks hilarious episode of Ask a can watch it here LOL

Speaking of LOL, if you watch CSI Miami and know who Horatio (not the hamlet guy!) then you should check out this youtube vid here! ~ thanks darren! and from there i found this other one, LOL

Since im being so random already, why not check out this book by Richard Branson, 'Screw it let's do it'. Seriously it is a very cool book!!! have a look at it here you can easily find it in singapore ~ thanks eric!