Thursday, August 17, 2006

’The fox knows many things, but the hedgehog knows one big thing’

- Greek Poet Archilochus (700 BC)

This quote has filled me with a lot of inspiration lately. If you were to google this phrase you'll see tons of stuff written on it but as it is said, the best literature has many meanings. Here is mine:

Lets think of this in a very literal way, lets talk about defence...the fox knows many ways to defend itself. It can run, act fierce, play dead etc. The fox is known to be a tricky creature in nature and with good reason too. It possesses a large array of abilities that enable it to survive in the wild.

Now the hedgehog on the other hand has only a very simple defensive gesture. It will just roll into a ball with its quills facing out. Now, this can be said to be the ultimate defence, for it is very difficult to break past it.

I know my explanations are very simplistic but pls take it for its meaning...both animals achieve the same thing but with different approaches. I feel there can be many ways of living life and people with their unlimited wants are always scurrying around looking for things and various means to find it fame, fortune etc. This is the fox.

What would the hedgehog do? it would just find one thing in life that would immediately make all things meaningful. You could say it to be love, or even God. Simple? Yes. Its not to be mistaken as Occam's Razor where being simple is just good. Rather its just like black/white where its just 2 sides.

Maybe i'm just a very unfocused person and am never spending enough time on one thing. While there is nothing wrong with that, being a jack of all trades, whats bad is that i feel something is wrong and amiss. So in my quest to heal myself, i must learn to be a hedgehog.

drawing from Occam's Razor,

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Moving on

We forge on coz thats all we know
we forge on even when we do know where we go
perhaps in our mindless wanderings we hope to find
some recourse, some comfort, some ease of mind
some time away from a hurting heart
some peace inside this dreadful part
i know the pain that sits inside me still
in a way its good that i even feel.